Isn’t it funny how you can’t get some dogs out of the water, yet others put on the brakes when they see the tiniest puddle? I have experience with both and today I’ll let you know how to get your pet dog used to water. I’ll also mention a few ideas for a successful doggie bath at home.
I’m Barbara and I write regularly for That Mutt. I’m a blogger, raw feeder and pet dog walker and maintain the blog
My late Boxer mix Missy loved the water. She was just one of those dogs who was born a water rat! She swam in the ocean, in lakes, pools, and loved “attacking” the water that came out of sprinklers.
Her brother Buzz who came from the exact same litter as her ended up enjoying the water as well, but he needed a little convincing and his favorite toy to go in with him.
My current pup Wally, a Feist mix, didn’t want anything to finish with water in any way when I first adopted him. He was the type who’d walk around a puddle and put on the brakes when I took him to the ocean. now he’s very slowly learning that m a y b e water is not that bad after all, although I doubt that he’ll ever be as fanatic about water as Missy was.
Wally couldn’t get away from the ocean fast enough
Why some dogs don’t like the water
For starters, let’s look at why some dogs don’t like being in the water. There are a few possibilities, and the most common ones are the following:
Fear of the unknown. Dogs don’t automatically know what water is, so if they’re not appropriately socialized to it as puppies, they may technique it very cautiously. This is especially true if the water is deep and they can’t see the bottom or if the water is noisy like waves or a river running.
Not a water breed. Some dogs have a love for water in their genes and some don’t! Those who do are typically hunting dogs that are bred to retrieve waterfowl like Retrievers (Golden, Labrador, Chesapeake Bay), Spanish Water dogs, Portuguese Water dogs, Irish Water spaniels, etc.
Travma. less likely, but maybe the pet dog unintentionally fell into a pool and couldn’t get back out on his own. Or maybe he got attacked by another pet dog at the pet dog beach. keep in mind “traumatic” experiences to a pet dog can also seem very mild to us. maybe ocean waves afraid the pet dog as a puppy, for example.
Biliyor musun? Dogs use their tails to steer and balance themselves in the water, so dogs with docked tails have a much harder time swimming than those whose tail is intact.
That Mutt Ace loved all types of open water!
Benefits of being in the water for dogs
It’s a bummer that some dogs don’t love the water, because they can benefit a lot from being in it:
Water keeps them cool in the summer heat. the most evident benefit is that water is very refreshing on hot summer days. Sometimes, it’s the only way dogs can stay somewhat comfortable outside.
It’s a low impact exercise. That makes it great for puppies whose joints are still developing, and also for older dogs who suffer from arthritis.
Makes for a great workout. Swimming and playing in the water is a great way of exercising and staying fit. The utmost water sport for dogs is dock diving!
Water has healing qualities. lots of pet rehabilitation facilities use underwater treadmills to help dogs regain their mobility after they had surgery. It can also help alleviate arthritis.
Introduce your pet dog slowly to the idea of water
However you decide to go about it, patience is crucial when you work on getting your hesitant pet dog used to water. before you ask him to dip any paws into it, spend some time with him near it. The idea is to get him used to the concept of water first.
Start by going for walks on the beach, around a local lake or a fountain.
Do this without getting too close to the water source itself. Alternatively, play fetch, tug, or whatever game your pet dog likes when you’re close to a body of water. You can also feed him next to water if that works for you.
Lindsay and Remy
Tip: If he’s afraid of the sound of the ocean or the fountain, you can expose him to lakes and rivers first considering that they’re not as loud. If you want to be proactive about desensitizing him, try playing some ocean or fountain sounds at home while giving him high value treats or a favorite (squeaky) toy. It’ll show him that good, fun things are happening when he hears the sound. You can find a variety of those sounds on YouTube.
Once you’ve been close to the water with your pet dog a few times and he’s not putting on the brakes or acting scared, take it up a notch.
Walk closer to the ocean, lake, river, fountain or pool and let your pup sniff it.
Don’t put any tension on your leash to make it as stress-free an experience as possible. Praise your pet dog for being such a good kid or good girl!
Wally walking next to a small pond in an art park
I tried this technique with Wally and we’ve made really good progress. I kept walking him around lakes and ponds, and he’s now finally comfortable enough to stand and walk in lakes.
What’s really helped him is the consistent exposure to water over the course of multiple months. That along with seeing ducks and geese swimming in the water, as well as other dogs who hang out in the water did the trick for Wally. However, I still haven’t been able to convince him to swim. That may take a few a lot more months, but it’s OK. I’m not in a rush.
Slowly introducing Wally to the concept of water
Signs that your pet dog is not having a good time around/in water are:
If you notice these signs in your pup, you’re too close to the water:
A tucked tail
Stiff body posture
Excessive panting
Refusing to step towards the water
Increase the distance between the water and your pet dog and be a little a lot more patient. Remember, it takes some dogs much longer to get used to water than it does others.
Use the ideal motivator for your dog
Remy is motivated by a challenge!
Once you’ve successfully crept closer to the water, it’s all about making the actual contact with it a fun experience. undoubtedly every pet dog has their own idea of what’s fun and what isn’t, so this technique will differ from pet dog to dog.
That’s why it’s crucial to use the ideal motivator for your pup. Bu olabilir:
Food or treats. toss some in the water and have your pet dog bob for them.
Toys. Buoyant toys like frisbees or bumpers stay afloat and are the best toy to go after in the water.
Kendin. If your pet dog trusts you and follows you everywhere, use this to your advantage and go in first.
Profesyonel. lots of pet spas and/or hotels have indoor doggie pools with trained staff who’ll show your pet dog how to swim in their pools.
Another pet dog who likes to swim. Dogs tend to copy other dogs, so if one of his friends loves to swim, set up a doggie playdate by the water.
Ducks or water birds if he’s into chasing them. If your pup likes a good chase, his hunting instincts may just trump his reluctance of stepping into water.
My previous pet dog Buzz learned how to swim at a waterfall on a hike on a long leash. His was viewing his sister Missy swim and have a blast, but still wasn’t too sure about it himself. considering that he was already standing in the water and it covered his belly, he got a gentle push from behind and voilà – Buzz was swimming!
I also tossed his ball in to sweeten the deal even further, and that was that. ever considering that then, Buzz ran and swam after any toy I’d toss into the water.
Cooling off with Buzz in a river on a hike
Missy (left )and Buzz (right) at an indoor doggie pool
Water safety ideas for your dog
Once your pet dog is comfortable in the water, it’s crucial to keep him safe while he’s in it as well, especially if he’s not the greatest swimmer. tools I warmly recommend are life vests that feature a manage and extra long pet dog leashes.
The life vest keeps your pet dog afloat and the manage makes it a lot much easier for you to lift your pet dog in and out of the water if necessary. This can really come in helpful when you’re on a boat with your pup. extra long pet dog leashes give your pet dog plenty of freedom to have fun in the water, but they leave you in control of how far and where your pet dog can go in the water.
Also, be aware of where you let your pet dog swim and drink. There are plants and critters that can be annoying at best and lethal at worst. the most hazardous ones are blue green algae along with water snakes and alligators.
It’s a good policy of thumb not to let your pet dog drink out of stagnant, non-flowing bodies of water and to avoid those with green surfaces that look like pea soup or green paint. That’s blue green algae.
Make sure to offer your pet dog fresh, bottled water that you bring along on your swimming adventures. Some dogs like to drink directly out of the bottle, but it’s easiest to pour some into a collapsible water bowl.
Kayak training with my pup
Kayaking is a fun activity that doesn’t necessarily involve contact with water. That’s unless your kayak starts to leak of cBizimki ya da yavru her şeyden sonra suya atlamayı seçer.
Fakat bütün ciddiyetle, Wally’imize KAYAK’ımıza alışkın olmaya başladım, çünkü gerçekten böyle hissetmezse, suda herhangi bir zaman geçirmemesini gerektirmez.
Şimdilik, onu evde kuru topraklarda kayıkla tanıştırdım. Garajımızda, onu tuttuğumuz yerde olduğunu düşünerek çok daha kesin olmak. Wally, bazı iyi koklamalar verdi ve stratejik olarak oturduğum ve içine girdiğim bazı davranır. Yemek ve muamele için bir enayi, bu yüzden onu yeni şeylere alıştırmak için her zaman bu yöntemi benim favorilerimde kullanırım.
Wally’ye kayıka tanıtmak
Daha sonra kayıkta oturup beni takip etmeye davet ettim. Hiçbir itiraz yoktu ve ideal atladı. Bu kolaydı!
Wally almadan önce bu alıştırmayı birkaç kez tekrarlayacağım ve Gölde Kayık ve işlerin nasıl geçtiği hakkında bir güncelleme ile rapor edeceğim!
Doggie banyo zamanı için ipuçları
Tamam, şimdi evde sıçrayan zaman hakkında biraz konuşalım! Ne de olsa, yupınız yüzmeye gittikten sonra bir banyoya ihtiyacın olabilir. İşte evcil köpeğinizi küvetinize alıştırmak için fikirlerim:
Bu Mutt Ace Tolere Edilen Hamamlar, İyi Çocuk!
İlk önce küveti su olmadan tanıtın. Gizleme ve arama oyunu sırasında bir saklanma yeri olarak kullanın ya da biraz muamele eder ya da en sevdiğiniz bir oyuncağı yerleştirin.
Uzun bir yürüyüşten sonra onu yıkayın ya da yorgunken yürüyüş yapın. Bir kavga koymak için çok daha az olası olacak.
Banyo süresi boyunca işlemleri kullanın. Onlar harika bir motivasyondur, ancak sıkıcı çerezler yerine yüksek değerli davranırları seçin.
Duş duvarlarında biraz fıstık ezmesi ovalayın. Banyo süresine “dayanmak” için harika bir dikkat dağıtıcı ve bir motivasyondur.
Yardım için bir aile üyesine veya arkadaşına danışın. Onu eğer ya da tam tersi olurken yavruınızı tutabilirler.
Bazı köpekler inatçı ötesindedir, bu nedenle evcil hayvan köpeğiniz bu kategoriye uyuyorsa ve bir kavga koymaya devam ederse, bir evcil köpük damadında profesyonel bir doggie banyosu planlayın. Bu aynı zamanda yavru köpeğinizin evcil köpek parkında bir sürü çamurlu eğlendiği için uygun bir seçenektir!
Barbara Nehirleri bu mutt için düzenli olarak yazıyor. Naturally dergisinden ve dengeli çiğ evcil köpek maması hakkında üç e-kitabın yazarı olan Ham Pet Köpek Gıda Beslenmesinde sertifikalandırılmıştır. Kahve üzerinde K9’larda bir blogger.
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