exactly how can I stop my canine from drinking so much water?

My canine has a drinking problem. No, not that type of problem. Ace does like booze, however we’ll save that for one more publish ?

What I’m referring to is Ace’s obsession with drinking water, as well as exactly how I’ve handled to train him to believe he’s not expected to drink any type of water at all.

Ace concerned me with a few OCDs – retrieving as well as drinking. He does not have an “off switch” as well as will actually keep on drinking water up until it’s gone unless somebody takes it away or tells him to stop.

He has drank an entire toilet bowl of water on a number of occasions, as well as he throws up practically daily from drinking mass amounts of water so quickly. I’ve seen him try to drink all the water from our kiddie pool as well as all the water from my mom’s fountain.

My “command” for Ace to stop drinking water has always been “that’s enough!” This works, however his obsession is so poor that I have to state it in an upset voice in purchase for him to “hear” me. typically I really am mad since I’m ill of cleaning up his drool as well as puke ?

I was sitting on the couch just recently as well as Ace was lying on the floor crying. I might not figure out what the huge infant wanted. I took him outside as well as he didn’t have to go.

Sometimes he cries if he’s hungry or if he wishes to play ball, however he had already eaten as well as there wasn’t a tennis sphere in sight. then I realized he was dealing with his full water dish.

My canine was crying since he believed he couldn’t drink water without my permission!

I stated “OK!” as well as he ran over as well as tried to drink the whole bowl.

My canine believes he has to wait on a command to drink. Or, he waits up until I leave the space as well as he can “sneak” some water.

My canine is consumed with food, too

I’ve always made Ace wait up until I state “OK” before he eats, as well as now he believes the exact same idea applies to drinking. This doesn’t noise like such a huge deal, but the second I go upstairs or into the garage, I can hear Ace run to his bowl as well as try to drink all the water as quick as he can before I get back! I’ve made my dog’s water obsession even worse.

Ace will eat any type of amount of food I provide him. My canine is always hungry. If I were to provide him six cups instead of his typical 1.5, he would eat the entire 6 cups. If I spilled a whole bag on the ground, Ace (and a specific fat feline I know) would attempt to eat every last piece.

Dogs are dependent on us as well as conditioned to eat whatever we put in front of them. They do not stop to believe about the amount of food. They just eat whatever is there since it’s there.

My canine is the exact same method with water. He doesn’t comprehend the idea of drinking up until he is no longer thirsty. He only understands to drink up until the water is gone. If I fill the bowl up again, he drinks everything immediately.

How to stop my canine from drinking so much water

Since “correcting” Ace for drinking as well much water has confused him, a much better method for this situation is to utilize positive reinforcement. I will reward him whenever he walks away from the bowl on his own before the water is gone. The reward might be food or a tennis sphere or perhaps a walk.

This won’t occur naturally at first. Instead, I’ll “just happen” to have some treats in my hand when I fill his water bowl. Ne olacağını göreceğiz!

Techniques that did not work to stop my canine from drinking as well much water

1. utilizing a command stop my canine from drinking water

Using the command “that’s enough!” to signal Ace to stop drinking is not a service to the issue since this makes him dependent on me to tell him when to stop drinking. If I’m not in the room, he drinks the whole bowl. It does work as a short-term service if I occur to be in the exact same room. I typically state “that’s enough” complied with by “go to your bed.”

I selected not to utilize “leave it” or “no” since I didn’t want Ace to believe water is completely off limits. certainly this didn’t work since my canine believes “that’s enough” implies “don’t you attempt drink water in my presence.”

2. keeping a huge container of water offered whatsoever times

With a ton of water always available, I was hoping Ace would recognize the water wasn’t going anywhere so there would be no requirement to drink it all. This concept did not work since Ace believes all water is implied to be consumed immediately. When I left the whole container out, he tried to drink all the water as well as I had to ultimately state “that’s enough.”

Some pet may choose to drink from a fountain. GörmekBenim Petsafe Drinkwell Pet Su Çeşmesi İnceleme.

3. Bir su şişesi kullanmak

Ace için kulübesinin içine asmak için geliştirilen bir seyahat su şişesi aldım (teşekkürler, tawna!). Su şişesi, bir hamster içmek için kullandığı şeyin büyük bir versiyonudur. Geliştirilmiştir, böylece köpek sandıklarına su dökmeden “samandan” içebilir. Aynı şekilde köpeklerin son derece yavaş içmesi gerekir.

Bunu birkaç gün boyunca Ace’in tek su kaynağı olarak kullanmayı denedim, ancak yeterince sık kullanmadı ve yeterli su alamıyordu. Son olarak bir kaseyi tekrar çıkardığımda onu daha da takıntılı hale getirdi.

4. Dobupause kasesi

Dobupause kasesi (resimde, üst), yeme sırasında köpekleri yıkmak için geliştirilmiştir ve ayrıca Ace’nin suyu için kullandığım şeydir.

Kase dört bölmeye ayrılmıştır, bu nedenle Ace her birini içmek zorundadır ve her biri arasında duraklamak gerekir. Hala tüm kaseyi içiyor, ancak onu hafifçe yıkıyor. Dobupause kasesinde değerlendirmemi düşünüyor olabilirsiniz.

Bir köpeğin su takıntısı, fiziksel bir sorunun bir göstergesi olabilir

Köpekleriniz aniden bir ton su içmeye başlarsa, özellikle bu onun için tipik alışkanlık değilse, bir şeyin fiziksel olarak yanlış olduğuna dair bir gösterge olabileceğini belirtmek isterim. Prednizon gibi ilaçlar köpekleri inanılmaz derecede susamış hale getirir ve gelişmiş susuzluk da aynı şekilde böbrek problemleri veya diyabet belirtisi olabilir. Herhangi bir endişeniz varsa köpeğinizin veterineriyle konuşun.

Ace’nin veterineriyle su sorunu hakkında konuştum ve o OKB’lerinden sadece bir tane daha olduğunu sardık. Şimdi buna çok daha fazla inandığım için, veterinerle bir kez daha konuşmak ve sadece emin olmak için bazı testleri düşünmek istiyorum.

Bir köpekin bu kadar su içmesini durdurmak için herhangi bir kavramınız var mı?

Köpeklerinizi yanlışlıkla bir şeyler yapmak (ya da yapmamak) için eğittiniz mi?

Yorumlarda anlayayım!

9 Ağustos 2011 Güncelleme: Ace, büyük bir kase su tuttuğum sürece bu günlerde daha az su içiyor. Hala aynı anda çok fazla su içiyor, ancak tüm kaseyi içmek konusunda daha az takıntılı.

Her zaman su mevcut olduğu sürece, her şeyi aynı anda içmeye çalışmaz. Hala ona “bu yeterli” demeliyim. İçmek için çok şey vardı, onun köpek yatağında harika bir 20 dakika kalmasını sağladım. Bu, patlamasını neredeyse tamamen azalttı. Köpek kusmalarını her gün temizlemek yerine, Canine Puke’u ayda yaklaşık iki kez temizliyorum.

2018 Güncellemesi: Ne yazık ki, Ace vefat etti, ancak uzun, memnun bir hayat yaşadı.